Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Diversity Czar?

I've just discovered we've got Diversity Czar in the White House now. He thinks that cable channels and private radio stations ought to pay a penalty fee to be given to public channels and public radio stations if they don't meet his diversity criteria. If anyone knows what his diversity criteria is, can you let me know? Does it include religious, political, disability, ethnic, gender, or are we talking race?

I'm reminded lately of Ayn Rand's book "Atlas Shrugged." While not a big fan of her philosphy, she wrote many years ago, and the nonsense that is gong on in this country today almost parallels what she described in he novel.

Everyone is up in arms to blame someone lately. I was reading that the Obama-Joker picture that recently became famous generated a lot of controversy. People were saying it was "racist" and that someone "racist" must have done it. Interestingly, it was done by a Palestinian American young man in Chicago. He came out and said he did the art, but not the label "Socialism" under it. It takes courage to admit you did something like that, and I was really glad he did. It's also interesting to note that the media has latched onto that he is not white to dispel the idea that a "racist" did it.

In another media posting, closer to my heart, they talked about global warming. A professor came out with the idea that ancient man caused it, started it. That's well and good to blame people from thousands of years ago, except there were not a sufficient number of people on the planet to make as big an impact as we do now.

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